If the payment has been deducted and order has not been placed as expected, then kindly wait for some time and it will show up once it gets authorized from your bank. it usually happens in 10-15 minutes on its own. But in case order is not placed even after 15 minutes then manual intervention may be needed so please contact us for that.

If the payment has been deducted more than once, this may rarely happen due to interruption in the banking transaction process. In such cases, the unauthorized/extra/double/duplicate transactions get's reversed by your bank or it may get processed successfully. So wait for the same atleast for 48 hours. We might also need to cross check such transactions with the gateway for exact status only after which a resolution can be provided as it depends on scenario basis. Rest assured your money is always safe. You can be sure about us and we will never keep you charged for the services you have not purchases.

Never get worried, contact us on call or leave a WhatsApp. We will check for any transaction issues at our end and will help you with your payment by manually clearing the order.

For all payment related issues, you can always call our customer care at +91-9899740474 or write to us at support@southport.in or open a help ticket here